Wednesday, April 9, 2014

a little bench

Through high school and college, the highest i remember ever bench pressing was 125... today, a kid bet she could out bench me... that fool did 130!!! 7th grade girl!!! (FUN is I did 140 - thanks crossfit)

working hard - going strong! loving it more each day!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Break

- Goal for Spring Break is 10 times to Crossfit... I'm at 7 so far! 

Saturday I went to open gym/community wod - I don't even remember what we did... OOH YES 14.2 ish... we did 10 front squats + 10 ring rows for 3 min, then 12 f.s. & 12 rr for 3 min, then 14 f.s. & 14 rr for 3 min - then done... 

Monday I got back from my Mom's in time for the 11-1 class - 3 rounds of 50 burpees and 50 ring rows... I only did 2 rounds, but went back for the 4:00 class and did thrusters and sprints (slow jogs?)

Tuesday I went to the 6 am class (on spring break - i know) and did Grace - which is 30 clean and jerks for time.  I thought I was going heavy for me, but should have upped it - it only took me 4:38.  I pushed it though, did 10, 5, 3, 3, 5, 4...  At 11:00 I went back and did a dead lift complex - and my last round was at 215lbs - which is 10 pounds more than my last max! 

Today, 11:00 wod was 10-1 Dumbell snatches with 1-10 bear crawls... I HATE bear crawls... it is another movement that makes me desperately want to lose weight! Took FOREVER! But I finished... at 4:00 we did wall ball + burpee + these weird pass through things that were all shoulder... ooh wee were my shoulders a burnin!  

Ready for tomorrow - need some sleep :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

It is OK to be fat...

So there are a lot of posts on Facebook today about "accept yourself as you are" "it's ok to be fat" "eat the burger if you want the burger".  I have been sent a book before, "The Fat Girl's Guide to Life".  I am right along with the world in this most days - I'll eat taco bell... and dairy queen for dinner.  I'll do better tomorrow.  I want it so I am going to get it.  "I do what I want".


I can't tie my shoes.
I can't fit into most clothes.
I can't run quickly at all.
I can't sleep through the night without something hurting.
I can't look in the mirror.
I can't wipe my butt easily.
I can't just play.
I worry about weight limits a lot.
I broke, not just 1, but 3 toilet seats at my house.
I broke my dining room chair.
I can't go on roller coasters.
... I love roller coasters.
I can't walk down rows in classrooms.
I can't reach babies out of their cribs.
I can't use a standard step stool.
I can't sit on my husband's lap.
I broke a student desk by sitting on it.
I worry going into an elevator.
I don't like to step on the tailgate of trucks... weight limits.

All the sayings are true... It is OK to be fat.  I just don't want to be. I want to not think about it what others are thinking. I want to not freak out when the toilet stall is too small for me to lean as far over as I have to now to wipe properly.  I want to hug my husband and have him spin me around (just once, then never again because I think that its weird).  I want to do a body weight element, and not think about how the others would be struggling too if they had as much body weight as I do.  I want to know that I can reach and stick to a goal.  I want to be a healthy pregnant person.  I want to be a healthy parent.  I want to have habits in my home so my kids never ever have to feel this way.  I want to be more than the fat lady.  I want to dress nice - I LOVE pretty clothes, and fancy pants suits and button up shirts and  shoes that have heels and slacks that are pressed well and have the crease on the front and tank tops and racer back shirts and yoga pants and cute workout gear and shorts - i love shorts.  I want the confidence that comes along with it.  I want to see a XXL t-shirt and not worry if its big enough.  I want to not be fat.

It is OK to be fat.  It is OK for someone else to be fat.  Not me.  I don't know how to make it stick.  It is so much easier to be fat.  No one thinks twice when I order extra food.  I also think its funny that people say "you really don't eat much" ha - you didn't see the Jack In the Box I ate on the way to your house to have dinner so that I could eat less. I don't know how to make it stick.  Javier supports me -- either way.  My family supports me -- either way.  My friends support me -- either way.  My gym supports me - the right way.  Its me. I don't support me consistently.

I thought this morning on the way to work that I just wanted to be on the biggest loser - but I don't have a story to cry about.  My family exercised, no one died, no one hurt me, i've got tons of friends, a husband that loves me.  I have a job.  I have no excuses at all.  No Jillian break through will change that.  I NEED TO CHANGE THAT.

I want to be a motivator to my students. Childhood obesity is such an issue.  A real issue.  I'd like to try to hep with that, but who is going to listen to a fat lady about food choices?  I want to be an example... naturally - without surgery or supplements.  I can.

I can.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Frozen Chosen

My food log for yesterday said, "WTF".  Harvey then said, man yesterday was... like... a day huh? I said, Harvey, that is the day in the life of a fat lady - in fact, it was a light day for me recently.  His face was priceless... because it shouldn't be normal to live and eat that way.  I hope that there is a day when I feel like that is crazy too.  I mean, I only ate one breakfast taco (bacon, egg, potato & cheese), I only ate 1 chicken sandwich at lunch - no ice-cream at all, and I ate a sandwich and soup with a slice of pie for dinner... really.  That's a light day for me.  Wow am I messed up - what this one person (whom I admire a TON) this is obsurdly too much, was a light day.

This year's Frozen Chosen started out a little different.  We had a meeting of course, but this meeting allowed us to talk about our failures and fears and listen to others who haven't done it well.  I've always said that the body lab has always made me feel loved, welcome, supported and challenged. They are now implementing teams - i love teams!  We don't get to pick teams, but I sure hope I'm with Kristi.  She's a HUGE motivator to me.  2 years ago she was a size 12 (i know half of me, but still - if you saw her now) and rocked the frozen chosen and is now training for the open!!!  I want to train for the open. Not this year of course, but maybe.

I need to control my eating issues.  I need to stop putting all of my emotions into food and self sabotage.      I am going to be using this blog a little differently that I have in the past.  I am about to put it out all out there - for me.  I need to work through my emotional issues in order to ever be able to change how I see food.

I  have severe munchy issues.  I have severe bored eating issues.  I have severe portion control issues.  I have severe anger eating issues.  I know, I know - a LOT of issues :)

I'm SUPER excited about today's workout.  I dead lifted 205.  I have to go back and check, but I'm pretty certain that was my max the last time I lifted!  That means its going UpUpUp from there!!! Yesterday I did Grace in under 6 min at 75#.  So instead of going down in weight to pansy out this time, I let the coach push me... yay!  I felt Great lifting heavy today.  I like to lift heavy things :)

Today I ate well! Yay.  I want to stop looking at the scale, but who knows if I can do it.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hello 2014...

I have found you 30 pounds heavier than last January...  It is a choice.  I need to make good choices every day.  I have started a 365-challenge of 100 jump ropes every day!  (speaking of, I must go do this now-it is SO cold!)

I bought a jawbone-up band thing, it is a fitness band that monitors a lot of stuff.  I'm super excited about it!  It should be here on Friday! (I'm also getting a new 31-Bag & some PC materials this week - ha ha - yay for fun mail packages!)

I am not even going to pretend that tomorrow is going to be my kick off day... I'm going to kick off... on.. soon.  :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

2 months... 7 pounds

Good News: I only gained 7 pounds in the last 2 months and start of school.  That is it.  Not great, but way not as bad I it could be!

I've been coaching volleyball.  Working with a small group of big-time-at-risk kids.  Not cleaning my house, Not exercising, Not doing a lot of things.

So... lets see how I can fix these issues...


Easier said than done, but I sure need to get it done.  Mom called today to inform me that I "no longer look like I have a waist... its slowly creeping back"  Thanks mom LOL

* Sooooooo... laying on the couch watching breaking bad probably isn't a great start to this all... Buuut i'm so addicted!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday - :)

So I didn't get up this morning in time to go to crossfit & was kind of mad at myself.  I was sitting at work, thinking about my room & trying to find motivation & realized it was only 11:40 - that meant I had time to get to Crossfit!  Noon is still not nearly as hot as 4:00!  I get there, Harvey says to run 2 laps... it felt good.  I didn't hobble through like i have been, i just ran.  I was tired a bit, but not a lot. It felt like a warm up.  :)

THEN: we did TIRE FLIPS!  I love tire flips.  Greg put me on the 3rd biggest to alternate with another girl.  She was a cheater, and I didn't count, so I'm sure we didn't do all that we should have -and she hurt her ankle anyway, so I finished her reps.  Then we did a sprint TOBATA... hard, pushed myself on 7 out of the 8.    Then I was getting ready to leave & Greg asked me how that tire was - then asked if it was too light - I said, yeah, I would like a heavier one next time.  He said good, lets go!  aaahh- so I had to do 5 more on the 2nd biggest tire! (The one the guys all use!)   I did them, it was MUCH harder!  Super excited to get that little extra in!  Just another reason I love my Box - THEY know what I need.  ;)

Definitely made me ready to work on the classroom.  First quote is up: "Believe you can and you're halfway there." Theodore Roosevelt  

Doing a "MathFit" room this year - using all reds and blacks (which goes with our school colors too - but that is NOT why I'm doing it)

now to finish :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

1 year... 30 pounds...

Today marked 1 year since I joined the Body Lab.  I did not do as well as I could have wanted, wished or desired.  BUT I did keep off 30 pounds.  SO I have to be happy with that... can't keep eating into my frustration that i was 17 pounds lighter not too long ago...

Today it seemed fitting that we did a 10! - 6min 50 seconds.  My first 7! was over 7 minutes, so I have much improved (and haven't worked out in 2 weeks) I floor pressed 95# (with spotting help on last round) and nearly passed out and had to wait a long time to do the last part - i was about to leave, but didn't & Greg made me stay - just to try.  Kristi was there & I always want to impress her, she's amazing.  So i alternated off & on - did round 2, then round 4, then round 6 & 7.  nothing impressive, but I did it.  I also told Harvey to give me crap if I don't go in the morning, so I better go in the morning.

I want to get back to writing down something positive every day - i find myself getting disappointed about what I haven't done and not enjoying what I have done.

I have decided to keep my contract for 1 more year with Body Lab - and need to dedicate myself to making big changes.

Friday, July 12, 2013

STOP giving up

If you're tired of starting over, STOP giving up

I need to remember this today - just benged a bit on sweets, while making more sweets... Stupid I know, Stupid I know.  will do veggies with my chicken dinner - that's for sure!!! 

a full day

yesterday I ate well - all zone paleo then dinner was porkchop & macncheese - not perfect, but that's life

I did xfit... woooh its been a while
   5 rounds of 1 min stations: 20 slam ball... 5 pull ups, 10 push ups (so 10 min)
  15min AMRAP: 4 turkish gettups (20lbs) + 8 burpees + run to fence and back
~ I got 2 full rounds, the first burpees were very tough, having issues big time with the hips... second round they went a lot better - and then I got 4 more in in the last 1.5 min... so as I got more stretched out it got a little easier - opposite of the Turkish Gettups- that extra 20 pounds made even standing up hard :)

Then we ate dinner :)

Then I went swimming with Dawn & Samantha for about 45 min

THEN I rode my bike for 15 minutes.  Not as long as I kind of hoped, but it was late in the evening & dark & I was alone.

Felt good this morning waking up sore, but today's a pre-scheduled off day, so i'm going to take it but make sure to eat well.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Set Up... Go

While on vacation, I got tired of eating bad... I got tired of sitting around doing nothing.  The truth is I am a happier person when I eat well & exercise - so why don't I stick with it?  I will... just have to keep trudging along.

this quote:
  Focus on how far you've come... 
not on how far you have to go

has been on my mind a lot these days. 

I have still lost almost 30 pounds in a year - yes, I truly have lost about 70 with the up and down in November & again in May, but I'm down 30 pounds.  I keep thinking that is sad... but its not... its damn good!   I have done a triathlon, crossfit & actually got back on the softball field again.  This has been good.  

I have signed up for my next sprint-tri.  I am excited about x-fit today at 11.  I'm excited about my scheduled 45 min bike ride.  I'm excited about my good 2-block breakfast today! 

Also excited about the cleaning schedule I've got going on for the house.  Being away was nice, but getting back into a routine is going to be nicer!  

I have to stop worrying about the number.  It is only then do I stop.  When I can stop "planning how much I'll loose" or what weight I could be by certain dates, then I do much better.  That is not easy for me.  I will try to just get the workouts done I've set up to do. That is it.  If I do more, if I lose weight -that's obviously ok, but I need to NOT make that what I pride myself in.   

I am trying to find "the quote" or a few quotes to place in my bathroom & desk to keep me happy.  I liked a facebook page of a guy who posts some good stuff regularly - i decided that I am a quote person and that motivates me.  SO... I will be trying to use at least 1 quote in each post.  

"i don't have time" really means "it is not my priority"... make it a priority! 

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Just went for a 1.5 mile jog, i went from a pace of over 20 min mile to a pace of just at 17 min mile - which means I picked up my pace as i went along.  The views were a.m.a.z.i.n.g.  Our dear friends live in Tucson, this is from the trail they have just out their back yard... crazy!  So I ran for about 25 minutes.  It was very hilly - and quite hot.  I finished before 8:00, by 8:25 I checked the weather it was already 97 degrees.  Welcome to Arizona!

Most important part of this post.. i ran while on vacation & am ready to roll when I get home!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

hip... hip.... ouch

I thought it'd be smart to play on the hip machine for a while yesterday when i went to the gym with Javier... THEN went to Crossfit & ran 1 mile - rest 6 min - run another mile.  Those took me Way too long - 15:13 & 16:55... Want to get that time a lot faster.  THEN went and played softball for the first time in over 3 years.  I played first - that was fun.  hit eh - 3/4 but 2 were wimpy hits, and my out was my most solid.  At first, I had to stretch for a ball once... and I felt like i did my senior year at TLU - needed help getting up :)

Today I did NOT want to go to crossfit, my hips hurt.  I went.  Did 12 min TOM 15 wall balls & sit ups alternating... then 2 min max pull ups (ring rows) 7 min AMRAP 100 single jumps 15 burpees then 2 min max pull ups

I got 85 pull ups combined and 100 Jumpropes in a row! then got through to my second set of burpees... i hate burpeees!

Up way too late tonight watching my spurs... GO SPURS GO

Saturday, June 15, 2013


went to Crossfit all 5 days this week! yay!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Yes, I moved my weight tracker backwards about 12 pounds (down three from when i was up 15) ;)

It is ok, i'm not perfect - last round I gained back 20, so its good.  I'll keep pushing.

Signed up for a Graffiti 5K on October 20 - I'll have a goal for that eventually.

GOING to sign up for Tri-#2 on September 14.  Excited! Goal for this one is under 1 hour 40 minutes! - that'll cut off almost 25 minutes.  The swim is shorter - i'm not totally psycho!

Did 20 minutes AMRAP of run a lap do 5 dead lifts yesterday.  I lifted at the Rx (thats fun for me to say) which was 135# for all 5 of my full rounds.  I was running my 6th lap when time ended so I finished that with the lower weight.

Today we did 30 minutes cut off time of:

400 single unders
 2 rounds of:
   25 pull ups
   50 burpees
   75 squats
400 single unders

I got through to the second round of burpees - not fun at all!

I'm going to try to go to xfit in the morning tomorrow... we'll see :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Can You Believe

Its been a month since I've blogged?!?!? I can, it was an UGLY month for me.  Up 14 pounds.  I did my Triathlon, in just over 2 hours.  Had a blast with Rachel!  I went to Crossfit half way through the month & fell - did the highest obstacle coarse stuff though!! but whiplash kept me out of commission for a good 2 weeks :-/

Yesterday I ate good in the morning/afternoon - then the bug of no groceries kicked my butt - so pizza it was for dinner.

Today, I still didn't go grocery shopping, so I'm going tonight and kicking off tomorrow with a bang!

My body HURTS because I haven't done anything!  I went yesterday to crossfit and the warm up killed me... again.  Then my back was so tight!  I told Dawn I felt every one of those 14 pounds yesterday.

I am signing up for another Spa-girl-tri!  In September!  Can't wait!  (best get my bike fixed soon because its in THE hill country)  Last time was to finish - now I can improve!

Off to work I go!

Monday, April 22, 2013

10 Miles!

Rachel & I took our bikes out to the Tri-site and rode the 10 miles route!!! It took us about an hour and 12 minutes!  I was so proud of us!

I am WAY less scared now (for that part)!

Tomorrow will be a big pool morning.  Kids take STAAR test - and my cruise is in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!

Today in xfit - we did 5 rounds of 50 mountain climbers, 20 squats and run a lap.  It took me 26 minutes (i so felt my week of no xfit!) All of my unclean eating really weighed me down too - running felt like I did my first week.  (probably not that bad, but not as good as last time).

Then Josie came over and we rode bikes for 5.5 miles - not bad!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

just another day...

I can tell I'm eating well, exercising & just much healthier by my absolute desire to do more.  Today was a prime example of this

4:30 up and ate'm - breakfast
5:00 swam a 500yard (over my 400m that I need to do) in 23:54 (SLOW, but first one)
6:00 crossfit: ran a mile, flipped tire 20 times, ran another lap - fell like a 2 year old and scraped my leg (made it through 20 years of softball without getting sliding scabs & get one just running :-/)
7:40 work
5:45 crossfit: maxed at 115# for power clean - dropped bar on my shins on way down (OUCH) (so I didn't do the deck of card push ups)
6:30 racquetball with the hubs! (Javier: 2, Tiffany: 0) - oh well!

Just feel energetic today! yay :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

could have...

gotten a breakfast taco, but I didn't.
gotten off track at lunch, but I didn't.
eaten cake at dinner, but I didn't.
eaten pasta at dinner, but I didn't.
slept in and skipped xfit, but I didn't.

I could have let 40 win again... but I didn't!  I have lost 40 pounds... a lot (19, 25, 30) I hit the 40lbs in November... gained again.  lost a bit and hit it 2 weeks ago... gained again.  I could have done that today - but I didn't.

My closest friend is having heart failure.  She'll make it through, but is just another reminder that I NEED to be healthier every day.  I do not want to fall back into obsessive binge eating and being lazy. I do not want to be in my 40s and have heart failure.  I want to be old - strong - healthy.


See what a good weekend can do! Broke 240 this morning!

Today is so important for me to be diligent because of my pampered chef show this evening, so I'll need to keep my 3 hours as priority.

Went to crossfit this morning, just did the warm up.  My body is TIRED today!  Will be at pool tomorrow & xfit in the evening!  17 days till my cruise!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Not perfect...

BUT... I didn't blow it this weekend! In fact, i did pretty not bad.


Friday I ate great
Saturday I ate 2 good meals, then didn't eat again (from 12 - 7) but then just ate some meat and an apple - at 10 I ate more meat, but nothing else (so not great)
Sunday I ate a good 3 block meal this morning (but forgot to grab almonds) and then ate a taco for 4:00 meal.  NEED to go grocery shopping NOW!


Friday I didn't do any exercise at all
Saturday I had saturday school at work and did a jump rope & didn't look stupid! Made me happy - I was going to ride my bike to work, but I didn't.  So I decided to ride to an event Javier was working.  I hoped it was the 10 miles I needed, but it wasn't - only 6.6 miles in 52 minutes.  Felt good - hard, but good and it was mostly inclined with several big hills!
Sunday I went for a bike ride with Mary and the dogs out at Lick Creek Park.  Dogs can be off leash so I wanted to see how they'd do - and of course my girls did GREAT!  We did a little over a mile & Dixie needed to stop, then did about another mile and stopped again for her - then finished out at 2.67 miles.  It was 43 minutes for that - including all the breaks. Then I came home and wanted to go see my friend in the hospital, google mapped it & decided that I could try to run 2.1 miles.  I walked more than I should have, but I still got there :) Then back.  On the way back I ran a LOT more than I did on the way there, so that was good.  I go there in 38 minutes and finished total at 59, so Back was a 21 minute trip just at exactly 2 miles.  I feel good!

Now I can't really sleep, but I need to get a lot done before bed.  Fingers crossed for tomorrow's weigh in!

... is the charm

Woke up today and I FINALLY passed 42!!! No going back now!

Yesterday i went on a good bike ride, thought it was farther than it was... just google mapped it with the bike ride app and it was ONLY 6.6 miles.  So i'm going to have to get another big guy in this week.  It is farther than I've ever gone before, so that is good. BUT 6.6 miles in 52 minutes is NOT where I need to be.  

Going to take the dogs on a good long run today, might bike too, but today is about my puppies!!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

the 3rd time..

I've seen 42... I will NOT mess up this weekend and spend ANY more time getting back to this weight!

November... back up, 2 weeks ago.. back up.. April 5.. LETS GET IT! :)

Took today off, but am doing a LONG bike ride tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


BUR-PEE'S 12min 54 seconds
wow... THERE is no way I could have done that 6 months ago.  I didn't cheat at all (did some step ups a bit but not near as much as I normally do) 

They were my fault tonight.. I knocked over the hurdle... then they made EVERYONE in my group do the 100 with me.  

THEN we did Elizabeth: 21 - 15 - 9 squat clean & dips, I did all 21 & 15s and then 6 of my squat-cleans in 10 minutes!  Not done, but after 100 bur-pee's i'm ok with that & I did 65pounds! 

Set new goals, and got my new food log ready to roll!

5+ meals a day (wall-ball)
NO queso (bur-pees)
NO sweets (lunges)
more tea than water (running)
don't blow weekends (squats/push-ups)
I want to do 20 double-unders (consecutively)
I want to do REAL box jumps (not step ups)
FINISH Triathlon! 
want below 230
want to be a size 18!

Super excited to kick butt!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Under 12

Today's workout was a LOT of running... good for me, bad for time.  We did a tobata  - SPRINT for 20 seconds rest for 10 - for 4 minutes THEN did 40 kettle bells, a lap, 20 kettle bells, a lap, 10 kettle bells & a lap.  I got to my kettle bell for my 10 reps just as someone else finished their time at 9:41.  I started my jog just as a 10:20something finished - and I said that that moment (the first one) that I wanted to be under 12 minutes.  I haven't ran a full lap in under 2 minutes there... ever, so I knew I had to pick it up.  Mary said I widened the gap on my last lap - and it was worth it!  11:54.  I did it!  Greg said "I remember when you couldn't even just run 3 laps in that time, you've come a long way" - what a thing to hear... followed by "shoot, I remember when your goal was just to run a lap, a whole lap" I have come a long way.  I am doing a good thing! YAY

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Finally took a new picture! I wanted to see a comparison.  Not done at all, but very happy :)

Yesterday marked the end of the Frozen Chosen... I lost 20 pounds in those 6 weeks! Increased my max dead lift 5pounds and discovered how to do double unders!

So today starts my TRI-Don't Die- Training ;)

Will be sitting down tomorrow and getting a good guide together, but I'm excited!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Re-Max :)

Yesterday we maxed on DeadLift again... 210 pounds this time! Up 5 pounds (not tons, but not bad)!  But FIRST we did 20 minutes of double-unders... we had to get 100 DUs but every minute on the top we had to do "5" burpees.  I did 3 each minute because the two times I did 5 burpees I stinking ended with 5 seconds till the next minute LOL (and that was NOT going to get me to 100)...   I got up to 65! Yes I did 65 double unders!  I was excited that I got two at the beginning of the Frozen Chosen!

Also, I'm down 20 pounds from day 1 of the Frozen Chosen!  (sad that its the 20 I gained before it, but I'll take it)  I put on some pants that haven't fit before this week!  Also, I've had more people "noticing" this week.  Super excited :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Today we did "Cindy" 20 minutes, as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.  1 round is 5~pull-ups (we did new ring rows), 10~push-ups, 15~squats.  I did 10 rounds + 4 pull-ups!!!   When I stepped on the evil scale, I saw the -40 mark - this evening!

It has been around a year since I started trying to lose weight - almost exactly!  Its slower than I'd like, but 40 pounds is great in a year.  I am So much stronger and So much healthier now.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

a better day

I ate good yesterday! :) yay!

Monday, March 11, 2013

M.I.A... wtf?

I can always tell when i'm falling backwards because I avoid looking at my blog.  I broke through a big plateau this week, and was rocking & rolling... till Friday, Saturday, Sunday... even today.

I don't know why I always let myself have "one day off" it ALWAYS turns to 2-12-55.  Fortunately for me, it'll just be 3 - 4.  I need to grocery shop in the morning & will be in a VERY dangerous place most of the day tomorrow, but I'll make it.  I've eaten poorly and most definitely have NOT been drinking enough water.

Crossfit was FUN today though, I haven't done somersaults & cartwheels in years... decades in that!  I loved it though!  Then dodgeball was awesomely hard.

Lets roll this week! :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Frozen Chosen Week 3

This week my fitness goal is to work so hard every day that I feel like I can't finish.  I have been working hard to pace myself so I can finish each workout, but with doing that I don't think I am pushing myself to the limit as much as I should or could.  So today was the first day that I went to xfit with that mentality.  (Last week my goal was to do better with squat exercises) Today we did 10 rounds of TOM 1 squat clean + 4 front squats.  Last time we did this I started at the bar, then dropped down to 35 pounds.  My back would hurt so bad.  Graig tonight told us to push up with our elbows to stop the stuck at bottom feel and it was HUGE! I started at 65, and the last two rounds went UP to 75.  Though I think I could have gone up even more, but I was SURE tired.  THEN... THEN we had to push sleds for 30+ yards and back.  I did the 3 plate (135#) sled! I used to do the 2 plate sled.  I pushed SO hard the first trip, that Graig had to ask me if I was ok.  I was.  I did the next one just as hard, just not as fast ha ha... it was a step by step push, but I finished and felt like death! Then felt GREAT! - STILL FEEL GREAT!!!  I ate 2 blocks of beef jerky and cherries for my dinner, drank a jug of water & am now watching biggest loser!

I sliced my thumb big time on my simple slicer... but didn't let that stop me!  Love good days!

I'll now blog about my thoughts on BL :)

Fears isn't my favorite thing to see... My biggest fear is the one fear that we are certain will be - failure. I HATE failure...

OOH falling... that sucks - go Dani!  Oh how I hope she gets immunity... crap - i hate that lady! Gina - whiney lady gets on my nerves.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Frozen Chosen... Day 7

OOOHWEE did they take that 7 to the extreem today!

warm up: outside distance across the soccer field of the butt kicks, high knees, skips and runs... I can't believe I used to like high knees... augh :) Then we did 10 push ups, 10 squats, 5 inch worms, 10 push ups and 10 more squats... then started...

7 push presses - for 5 min on the min... I did 65 pounds! (normally do the 45 pound one) Then we did 7 minutes AMRAP of a 10second knee up hold (or 7 knee to elbows) then 7 burpees.  I did 4 full rounds then got to 6 burpees. I should have done 1 more. It hit me today that I always work hard, I always find the slow and steady, never quit pace... I need to take the bust my butt pace that makes me use EVERY ounce of energy I have... where quitting isn't a choice, its the result of no more.  I haven't reached that point yet, and I think I need to get there.  My goal for tomorrow AM.. work so hard I have nothing left.

I also didn't get my stupid 5 meals, so I had to do 50 burpees! so tonight I'm staying up until 10:00 to eat meal 5... no more burpees for me! (and I MUST get up early tomorrow to eat)

Tonight I'm watching Biggest Loser (a day late) and reflected below.  I've said it before, but I tried out for it one year.  I gave up on my own and thought I needed that.  I thought I couldn't ever really do it on my own.  Then I met BodyLab... I can.  I can.

Jillian said: "because it is the opportunity of a lifetime" She was so mad because 2 contestants quit after a minute, they weren't pushing themselves as hard as she knows they can.  I then thought... So is this journey I get to be on.  No, I'm not on the biggest loser, no I am not getting paid to do this... but I'm in a situation that is pushing me, helping me, supporting me & praising me EVERY day.  I know many people that don't get this.  THIS IS THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME... my lifetime.

My best is not good enough... its never good enough... the minute that I feel like I'm good enough, then life isn't going in the right direction.  It is good to be happy with what you have, content is not a bad place to be, but I want to always strive to be a better person, have a better life.  Its a hard line to walk - I see many people who have a great life, but aren't happy ever with it... I see my students more than most others, who are happy with mediocracy (or poverty) and never strive for more.  I want that middle ground.

Monday, February 18, 2013

A good goal?

Tonight Matt told me that his favorite part of my food log/frozen chosen book was my "overall goal for this challenge"

He then said it was the best one he's read, and asked me to share with others...

I wrote: I can do great for 2-3 weeks then I stop.  I let one meal "go" then fall all apart and do horrible for long enough to screw up anything good I did do.  I want this challenge to get me past the hump and keep it permanent.  I've said for decades that "If I could ever get skinny, I'd have no problem staying skinny."  I need it to become natural and not "to do".  All I want is to be held accountable - even if (when) I screw up or fall off.

He said that the last 2 sentences are the key to making that change & that I'm on the right path.

Goals for this week are
17 blocks of protein a day - NOT easy wiht me only getting 4 meals in... so I NEED to get at least 5 since "all you can digest at a time is 3-4 ounces" regarding protein... and only "3 meals means slow metabolism.  need 6!" (coach's feed back this week)

I want to push harder on squatting elements as I often slack in them because of my hip pain... but I fear that i'm feeling the hip pain as an excuse or cop out.  I do want to go to the doctor about it though soon so I'll know either way.

Today we did 3 rounds of 50 squats and 10 snatches.  I did not do all my squats... i did 40, 45, 50 (i cheated, and feel bad) then my snatches were at 65 pounds! Not just the bar!!! yay

Here's to week 2 of the Frozen Chozen :)  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday... bad day

woke up early today (was very hungry, but ... then I decided that I needed to sleep again) then woke up  at 11:30! Must have needed that!!

Ate at freebirds since my late sleeping caused a bit of a delay in my days plans.  I had a bowl, a half of cup of rice, 1 cup of chicken, half a cup of grilled veggies, and a bunch of pico & salsa.  It tasted good, but felt heavy.

Then we went to put in some shades for a friend... didn't work, but then got to visit baby Naomi & her momma!

Javier then tried to get me to eat at Fuegos, but I convinced him to take me home to eat 6 oz of chicken and 4 cups of green beans.  I didn't follow it with a fat, because I kind of think that the chicken was cooked in butter or something like that.  I ate that at 5:00... I will eat some tuna and broccoli at 8:00.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

a little catch up

This is just for me to remember what I've eaten & such for my log

Thursday night we took the Eubanks Girls out to dinner, thought I ordered a grill chicken salad... wrong it was an $8 pile of nasty lettuce.  So I ate the inside of Gabi's taco (the meat & cheese) on top of my salad.

Craig assigned me the task of finding my Lean Body Mass... (found one that said I was only 21% body fat right now...laughed... then found the real one at 38%) and that my LBM was 158.  The cool part of that is it will help me find what my goal weight should be.

Friday I got up early enough to eat breakfast - 4 egg whites, 14 cherries, 6 almonds
went to cross fit - was informed that I need to have 17 blocks of protein a day now.  (Up from 12 - well, i've only been getting 8)

So at 8:30 I ate 6 hard boiled egg whites, a cucumber & a tomato & 6 almonds -- I think that the extra protein was helpful because I didn't want to eat my liver after an hour!

11:30 I ate 3 blocks of turkey lunch meat, 1 cucumber & 1 tomato, 6 almonds

3:00 I ate 3 blocks of chicken lunch meat, and 2 cups of broccoli... i meant to go home and eat 7 cherries and my almonds, but I got so distracted with girl's night, that I forgot!

at 8:00... I know but I sat down to eat dinner at 6:45 and didn't get our food until 8... I had a hamburger steak, it had a little gravy and some grilled onions, maybe a quarter of a cup.  It was probably 5oz.  so I also ate the rest of Josie's hamburger patty - to get my 7 oz.   I drank about a fourth of a bottle of Jack Daniels as my carbs!  I ate a beef jerky strip in the middle of it (after I figured I drank through my carbs of my dinner & wanted to drink a bit more).

Went to sleep around 1am... then was awake by 5:45 by a horrid sound - ha ha so funny!!!

Saturday morning I ate a bacon & egg taco at 7:00.  it was about 1 egg and 1 slice of bacon on a flour tortilla.  I woke up STARVING.

at 11:00 I ate a "club" sandwich with no bread at a sweet little hole in the wall restaurant.  The cook/owner grilled me up 2 small slices of ham and about 4 half slices of bacon.  Then I was able to  eat 2 cups of broccoli and a cup of green beans.   I didn't think that was enough meat, so I ate a beef jerky strip too.

at 3:00, I ate another bacon & egg taco (we were on the road)

at 7:00 I ate grilled chicken and 2 cups of broccoli, 7 cherries & 6 almonds.

My hands are quite swollen today.  Definately didn't drink enough water today or yesterday, so my goal for tomorrow is to drink over 100 ounces of water... not tea.  (well, I'll probably drink tea too).

I also, want to take the girls on a good LONG walk/bike ride tomorrow - or do yard work.

I had SO much fun with my girls!  I LOVE my friends.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Frozen Chosen (day 2)

I got 205lbs for dead lift max & 2.. yes 2 double unders in a row!

eating was rough today because of timing and such... but dinner ended with 3 eggwhites & 1 yolk... 2 cups of broccoli, 7 cherries!

exhausted... off to bed!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today marks day 1... I have weighed, measured... and am ready to roll!

Went this morning - had a different warm up than normal..  not my favorite, but it was a workout

push ups, sit ups (holding in up position then down on trainer), then squats (holding in down position and up on command - and if anyone rose too early we had to start over... so we did 25!)

Todays benchmark workout was the bear complex for 15 minutes on the top of 30 seconds.  I did 45 pounds, and honestly could have gone up a bit, but it was a front squat clean, jerk, then back squat and re-jerk to the front & rest!  My squats are still weak, but it it was so great to not have to be corrected at all any more!  I didn't have it pull once!

Eating today wasn't perfect, but not bad

I did not wake up in time to eat breakfast before x-fit, so I didn't eat until 8:30 - which is when I ate my protein... then I ate my carbs at 10:00 with my fat.  Then by 11:30 I was STARVING and ate again.  then at 2:30 I was ready for meal 3 and ate my meat.  Didn't get my carbs & fat in until after 3:00.

8:30   Meal 1: turkey, small apple & small orange, 6 almonds
11:30 Meal 2: tuna, 4cups of broccoli, 6 almonds
2:30   Meal 3: turkey, small apple & small orange, 6 almonds
6:30   Meal 4: turkey, 2 cups of broccoli & 7 cherries, 6 almonds

My goals this week are to get all 6 meals in... yay for not getting that goal from day 1... but I will get them tomorrow!

I went to the chiropractor though, so that's good I guess.

Ready for tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


This morning was nice to have 2 of my 3 friends join me at crossfit!

Warm Up:

EMOM (every minute on the minute) x10 rounds
5 push ups
10 sit ups
15 squats
(became 5-10-10 for me by about round 4 but did at least 10 each round for squats)

THEN... (oooh how I love a killer warm up!)

TOM... (top of the minute... but it was 20 seconds)

15 minutes of 1 snatch every 20 seconds and we rotated through
power snatch
split snatch
squat snatch (HARD)
I used just the 45 pound bar... first, the stinking bar was WAY far on the ground (almost would have preferred a little heavier weight just so I didn't have to go ALLL THE WAY to the ground each round)
second, I am NOT good at squatting.  I'm getting better, but have a long way to go!

Felt great to know I've done a killer workout already today! Eating well too! Need more water today though!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Today was a great eating/exercise day!

We did 100 pull ups... well... ring rows since I'm not at that pull up thing yet.  

Warm Up: 

 5 pvc pull overs
 10 push ups
 10 sit ups
 10 squats

Then just 100 pull ups for time: 8:38 
... cramps in my forearms 
... butt hurts from trying to use my legs to "cheat" (instructed to)
... proud that I put my workout into chunks, then did each chunk (except once I only did 4 then the next round 6 - and it was SO much harder than the 5th one would have been... live and learn I guess)

ate late today: 8:30
~ chicken lunch meat (2 oz)
~ apple small
~ orange small
~ 6 almonds
~ tuna (2 oz)
~ broccoli (4 cups)
~ 6 almonds
~ 4 HB egg whites
~ cucumber (1 whole)
~ apple small
~ 6 almonds
~ chicken (2 oz)
~ green beans (4 cups)
~ 6 almonds

*44oz tea this morning
*44oz water
*32oz water after

Friend H didn't want to go to xfit today because of a bad day at work - the same excuse I've used a million times - but I totally made her!  Then she felt good for going! 

I am a very competitive person.. starting crossfit with friends is definitely going to test my competitive nature.  It will push me to do my very best each time - which is great, but I know it'll be hard to keep it under control.  I will have to remember that I am there FOR ME... I am so very glad they have decided to be fit too, but I AM THERE FOR ME! ME :) 

Did I mention I'm going to a cruise in a few months? April? :) what what! Mary & Hannah are going too! 

Monday, February 4, 2013

When you...

...really eat well, you feel good at night. hard, you feel good at night. your family, you feel good at night.
...motivate others, you feel good at night. know you have potential to make a difference, you feel good at night.
...feel good at night, you're excited to wake up tomorrow.

Today I ate zone/paleo 100%
Meal 1: (5:00 am)
- 3 egg whites
- 1 yolk
- apple small
- 7 cherries
Meal 2: (8:30 am)
- 4 HB egg whites
- apple small
- orange small
- 6 almonds
Meal 3: (11:30 am)
- tuna
- broccoli
- almonds
Meal 4: (1:30 pm ~ starving)
- chicken lunch meat
- cucumber
- 7 cherries
- 6 almonds
Meal 5: (5:00 pm)
- beef jerkey
- 14 cherries
Meal 6: (8:30 pm)
- chicken lunch meat
- green beans
- 6 almonds
it is 10:00 - and I'm in bed ready to sleep, but am STARVING... again

I had a horrible head ache from about 2:00 - now, bed time it went down after each meal, but picked back up about an hour later.

I exercised this morning:
warm up:
300 jump ropes
   10 - alt. push ups
   10 - sit ups
   10 - pvc front squats
100 mountain climbers

WOD: 15:08
 front squats 95#
 box step ups

24oz at crossfit
24oz before lunch
24oz- unsweet tea after lunch
44oz- unsweet tea @4:00
44oz- water before bed

Once my Frozen Chosen starts, I will have to log everything every day... I know this coming up weekend will not be the best for me, so I figured I'd have a good week to kick off my big push!

In August, I started this journey alone... today 3 of my friends are joining with me!  So excited!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Frozen Chosen Challenge

Just when my work life hit the fan again, here comes Harvey & my crossfit saviors to save the day!

i've really been struggling to find the motivation to "be a me I want to be".  I'll go to crossfit, but am NOT putting any thought into my nutrition... which = back up 10 pounds (well, almost 20 if you could my lowest splurge)

Went today to a meeting about the Frozen Chosen Challenge - a high accountability challenge through BodyLab! YES!

Tonight at the meeting the coaches all talked about why they became coaches... it reminded me of why I became a teacher.  **full story for that on my other blog** Then I thought of my "story" - This place CAN change me & my life - if I let it.

I felt like they were talking directly to me, and knew exactly what I needed to hear tonight.  This must be what my friends talk about that their churches do for them.  This was a very powerful, needed evening.


oooh boy
warm up was the normal ladder & hurdles then "outside with Leisle & Harvey"
Leisle had us run some sprints and get our legs ready...for Harvey... I was tired after her station!  Harvey had us run 3 300's 85%, 90%, 95%  - on my last one, I kept within 2 yards of the girl in front of me for half the lap! Not a big accomplishment, but felt good!
Then we went in with Greg:

5 rounds of 1 min each station
20 - pull ups (used rings)
30 - push ups
40 - sit ups
50 - squats

That was Not easy -and i did Not get it all done in my time limits, but I sure did try!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Just a walk in the park!

After work today, Josie walked up the drive way with Brian & we grabbed Javier and went a walking. Well... I had to do some "just got home" things before I was ready to exercise, so I told them to go ahead and that I would catch them.  I started running - and didn't catch them for a mile! Which means, i ran a mile!!! Then walked for a while then started doing Couch-2-5K (but we only did 10 minutes of it since we were at the house) but did a total of 2 miles

LOVE that Javier is doing the C25K with me on my non cross fit nights! Yay :)

(NO scale today! That's my New Years Resolution - don't worry about the scale just live right!)

Up & At 'em

 Went to Cross fit this morning!  i didn't wake up as early as I wanted to, so my morning routine wasn't so timely today, but I don't have to be at work until 8:30 so if I had a day to "test the waters" Today was the day!

I So didn't want to go this morning, thought of every excuse in the book to be able to not go... but I got up.

I was scared of my omelet this morning, i think i had a very bad one as my last one and have been avoiding them... good thing it was AWESOME today! I need to find an apple to finish off my breakfast, but yay!

Today is a teaming/work day - excited to see my girls! It has been 2 weeks since we've hung out (almost a record) I only saw Dawn once!

i love the new year.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Years

Happy New Years!

Always a great time for a fresh start!

I'm now selling The Pampered Chef as a part time gig!  I'm excited about it - I love parties and entertaining people, so it should be great!  It will also force me to be creative and try using the kitchen a lot more!

The trick will be finding paleo-zone recipes I can use... The grilled chicken I made yesterday was to die for - and I got a veggie microwave thing - that is fabulous!!!

I am going to try to put together a paleo show to have for my crossfit friends!!  This could be fun!

I stayed home for New Years Eve so I could get organized in life - I'm close... will be spending the next few days really getting there!

My scale said "Lo" when I stepped on it - guess God wants me to not worry about it :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A friend...

SO Monday I went to Crossfit, Tuesday, however, I did not.  But today i went :)

My friend Hannah has joined, and she did SO good on her first day - way better than I did on mine!!!

Here's to tomorrow!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday Community WOD

On Saturdays, the Body Lab has an community wod -where anyone can come and workout.  I was SO sore this morning, I knew I had to go and work some of it out... and I took Josie with me!

It was a 3 round of 1min AMRAP Burpee, Box Jumps (step ups for me), squat jerks, ball throws (my new favorite exercise) and double unders (aka just move the rope and pretend to jump).  It was not easy by any means, but not the hardest workout we've ever had.  I, however, am much less sore!!

JOSIE - is sore :) and that was fun for me.  She told someone else that she had a new respect for me then corrected herself and said that I was nuts :)  Glad I went, feel good!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Left & made it

TodayI left work at 4:00 on the dot to go get my workout in before I worked the basketball games... I made it there and back JUST in the nick of time.

And I FEEL great about that.  I could have not gone, there was a reason & excuse... but IT has to be a priority to ME...

Excited :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


So, I took 5 weeks off... NOT good, but I went today! My friend at work, Hannah, joined today.  I figured if I'm the person who is ranting and raving about how wonderful crossfit is, I should go :)

ooh - it feels SO good to be sore!  I ran 3 laps (didn't walk) then did 50 pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 squats then tried ever so hard to run 2 more laps.  I started off running... wow my legs were SO wabbly i waddled the whole first lap, then tried again to run in the second lap, got about a half of lap - wobbled another half lap, then finished by jogging the last little bit.

So happy! I will leave work asap tomorrow to try to get my workout in before I work the basketball game!  I can do it, even if I have to cut it short!

Off to boil some eggs...

I don't want to forget that my dear friend Mary also came to me for some help with the diet plan from cross fit - I'm SO excited for her! LOVE my GYM... (and one of the trainers wants to have a pampered chef party - which I just started selling!!) I'mg oing to prepare a cooking show that demos how great the stuff will be for paleo!!!  I"M SO EXCITED!

Monday, October 29, 2012

My Gym...

I love my gym.  I love going, I love leaving, I love being there.

This weekend we went to a football game watching party at a friend of mine's house.  She is the one that first told me of crossfit, but didn't want to go to my gym because of the location and hours.  She found a crossfit gym in town that she loves - so that is great! Some of her workout people were at her party - and 2 of her coaches.

1) I do NOT want to socialize with my coaches.. I need that very strict, very professional relationship
2) I LOVE how my place makes us report our food and the plan that they know will help us reach our goals.
3) I LOVE that I have my crossfit friends separate from my real friends.  It is a place that I can go to be me. Just me.  Its a place where people don't know anything about me other than how hard I work there.
4) Their gym sounds so very different than my gym.  They have machines, and run 800m daily, classes run by one instructor at a time with no differentiation...
5) I LOVE that there are many days in which I am the only person 3 coaches are worried about.  There is NOT ever a day in which I can remember only have 1 coach push me.

Today we maxed on push press I think.  I ALMOST got up 115, but 105 was my final max.  That was after bur-pees, pull-ups, push-ups... so I'll take it.

My wrist is hurting very badly.  Its mainly because they are weak - and that's new for me.  With softball, my wrists were always strong - as was my back/core.  And now its not.  Thats hard for me to understand and accept.  But i'm getting stronger every day.

I emailed Lindsay Matthews, BirthFIT creator.  A friend of mine from high schools whose blog is motivating me beyond belief.  She is so fantastic. - read it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10.24 ~ maxed out

Today marks 8 years since my dear friend Elisa was killed.  I wanted so bad today to stay at work and not go to Crossfit... but I couldn't do that to her memory.  She would be so very proud of me... I know it.  She would have LOVED crossfit.  Crazy fun exercise, super friendly, overly motivating people coming together to just help each other be better.

We did a front squat max today... wow was mine lower than what I remember, but I did get to 100 pounds.  That is it.  I know, weak!  I couldn't keep the bar up front.  My shoulders aren't very flexible.  My wrists hurt when I do it.  Harvey is SO motivational.  Its unreal! He just keeps saying how strong I am.  I like that.

We ran 2 laps then 1 lap today too, i didn't die.  It is UNreal how fast I feel changes.  I couldn't run at all on Friday... then today I felt like I could have run the entire 5k... well, sort of.  Could be because of today, but it felt good.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ouch :)

YUP, I'm sore again... but I love it!

Yesterday they had us do a 1 rep max then a 5k... what! I didn't run it all, but I ran 3 laps, then did half walk half run for the rest.

Then... today I could barely move - ooh my hips were sore! So I walk in today & saw lunges on the warm up... that's never good.  Then I did wall walks - I actually could move my hands today! yay.  Then we did 12 minutes of 10 jump-pull ups and 50 single jump ropes... i did 8 rotations of that :)

THEN we did a deck of cards push ups... diamonds were diamond push ups, hearts were alternating push ups, clubs were wide push ups and spades were regular push ups - face cards were 10... jokers doubled the next ones... incase you didn't know there would be 340 points on the cards - then jokers doubled the next card (and they had 3 jokers... yeah right)... needless to say I doubt my arms will move in the morning!

I LOVE it... not sure why I let myself not go for so long... I am more important than that... I AM first :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for

I have taken the last 3-4 weeks off... I know, horrible.  I haven't gained a pound... I haven't eaten horribly, but definitely not well.  I've put work first for these past few weeks - and guess what... NOTHING has improved, I'm not a better teacher, I'm not a better person, I'm not better at all.  Me first, Family first, MY HEALTH first.  

I could do a huge long post about all sorts of excuses and such... but i'll just post that i'm back & ready :) 

Monday, September 10, 2012

back in the gym

Today was my first workout in a week - since last week took me out of town 2 times then sick afterwards.

Today I actually did my sit ups the right way, instead of the cheating way!  (well, it's not cheating, modified is how they say it!)

Super glad to be eating well & back in the gym! This feels right!

1 month

Saturday marked 1 month since I signed up for CrossFit.  I marked the occasion by running an entire - non stop mile at the Elisa Suarez Memorial run.  Elisa was a dear friend of mine that I introduced into Cross Country as a senior in high school (she was a sophomore) then convinced her to go run at TLU, where she was outstanding.  She was a victim of a hit an run accident as a sophomore at TLU and passed away.  She was the most motivational person in the world, and to actually be able to RUN at her run really means a lot to me.  She would be so proud of me working hard.  I hadn't run around Marshall since high school - I've walked it a few times, but have not run it since she died.  I felt her with me.  I felt her telling me that I could make it to the next stop sign.  I thought I was motivated before, but I couldn't even sleep this weekend I was so excited to go grocery shopping & go to CrossFit today.

1 month down... So many more to go, and I CAN'T WAIT!  Posted a picture of me and Susie - another great friend of mine from both Marshall & TLU.  She does so much work each year to get the run going & keep Elisa's spirit alive.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I reached (well, 0.4 away from) my first goal of weight today! I hoped that would happen by Sept 1st, BUT it happened in less than a month of being in CrossFit, so NO complaints around here!!!

Today marked 18 pounds lost since Aug 8!  This Saturday marks my 1 month of signing up :) (it also happens to mark 30 total pounds lost since April when I started swimming!!!! I've tried to be in a situation that took my picture a lot these last few days, but it hasn't worked at all :) I'll try to get one on Saturday since I'm going to Elisa's run and going to Sea World :)

Now I have to figure out a new goal :) FUN

I just found my goals for when I started in April (haven't done well with those, but who cares honestly).  I just want a reminder of what I said, so when I surpass those I'll know it :)

1st - 15 lbs lost by last day of school (didn't happen - got to 12)
2nd - 30lbs lost by 7th of July (visited AK) nope - just got there 2 months later - but never gained any
3rd - 50lbs lost by first day of school... nope, was down 20something I think
4th - size 16 by my birthday... i'm a size 22 right now (probably could try on a 20 soon) Maybe could go that far but doubt it...
5th Less that the big# by my anniversary - maybe :)
6th - 100 lbs lost by spring break
7th - at goal of 170 by Javier's Bday
Final goal is to be a size 12 by mom's June Birthday.

Best part about crossfit now is I don't care as much about the number as I do about what I am doing :) FUN :)

So new ticker will be down 15 more :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

So far to go!

So today at crossfit, a lady that works there (not a trainer, but is there every day) asked me how much weight I've lost because I'm "Lookin good - SO proud of you"

That was much needed today since I really did NOT want to go to work out today because I have a LOT of work to do.  BUT I went, and had a great workout!  I wont be able to go on Fridays, I hoped I could go at 6am, but I can't get there, back, showered & to work on time.  So I'll be doing 4 days a week instead of 5, but am swimming again starting Monday, so that will be good :)

I re-read my blog from my first week, and one of my goals was to finish a workout by September 1st :) How awesome is that! I did it!!! I realized today that I love going so much because EVERYONE is so positive and happy.  I spend all day down and around failure all the time, it is SO awesome to go somewhere that is always supportive and pushing me to keep trying - even though I"m NOT successful, and I'm NOT good at anything I do, and there are SO many people that are so fantastic at the exercises.

How Awesome!  BEST/worst part is when I get home and cleaned up, I have NO desire to do any work at all... I feel very behind at work, but so far ahead in life.  I know this year will be so amazing for me & my family!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

3 weeks down!

Monday marked 3 weeks of workout!  My knees and elbows are mostly healed and I am SO happy with all I've done so far!

On the first day, my test day, I did a 7! of pushup, sit up, squat in 9min 52 seconds AND thought I was DEAD afterward.  Monday I did a 10! in 7min 22seconds!  And that was just the warm up! I was STOKED!

Yesterday, we had to run a mile... ooh yes, a mile... I haven't run much in a while.  We ran 2 laps my first week and I thought I was going to DIE... yesterday I made it through my 2 laps with relative ease, then finished my 3rd lap (of 5) with a charlie horse in my calf - stretched it out then ran my 4th & 5th laps (with a stretch in between).  I know I stopped, but wow, I ran a mile! I didn't walk any of it.  When I stopped to stretch I only took about 30 seconds each time - and didn't move forward at all.  THEN I finished my WOD in 10:06.  So excited!

Weight wise, I've gone below the next 10s place! Its falling off slower than at the beginning, but I feel GREAT!  NO complaints for 14lbs down in 3 weeks :)

I'm off to work - which looks like its going to cause me a LOT of stress this year -but my crossfit will get me through :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A rest day...

Today at crossfit I did the warm up - holy cow someone needs to discuss the concept of a warm up with these people.   I had to do these funky ab things - I HAVE NEVER felt that much stretching in my gut - it was awesome!  Then we did that worm thing again -but I couldn't go to my elbows this time because my scabs keep bleeding.  But I did it as close as possible, then more modified-hand-stand push-ups, with 50 double under jump ropes (which since I can't do double unders I have to do 3times that amount) before and after. Durring the last set of jump ropes, my back started spazzing decently.  Then I went to do the WOD which was floor bench press - clean and thrusts (I think) - then bur-pees.  I was so excited about the bench press, then went to do the cleans and and my back said NO.  Harvey saw the cringe in my face and said, "you're pretty beat up, lets have a recovery day." So I did a lot of stretching - and then they said to ice tonight.  I LOVE that they made me break because my body needed it.

This stuff's addicting.  I can't wait to go tomorrow morning to show them that I can make it!  I do, however, wish my elbows and knees would heel.  Its annoying that I have to have bandaids because I start bleeding at random times of the day.

I think I"m going to take a picture tomorrow = maybe every two weeks, but I haven't figured out yet what to wear, how to pose... all that stuff.  It was VERY cool waking up to seeing -11.8lbs in LESS than 2 weeks!!!!  I also love that Harvey just texted me to ask how my back was feeling!  LOVE this place!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I didn't DIE!

    Today marks my second week.  I was not as sore from yesterdays workout as last week, and today I was ready to roll... then I saw 1-lap + 10! push up, sit up, squat + 1 lap... warm up.  I told myself today that I would NOT rest as much as I did last week in between every sing thing.  I was getting on my own nerves!  So during warm up - I said I could only take as many breaths as the number of reps I did just before I started to rest.  So if I did 4 push ups I only got 4 breaths... I finished my warm up in 30 minutes today (kills last week's 45 minute warm up ~ and if I didn't have to do those stupid laps it would have been WAY faster).  To add to the excitement of my 10!, the first day I went to test I did the exact same rotation at a 7! and almost DIED.  I feel myself getting better... I didn't think that could happen after a week, but :-D  Yesterday I had to do 3 laps total, and the last lap I wanted to walk SO bad... but I didn't.  That is a big deal for me, THAT has always been a struggle with me and at one point in life I overcame it, but it was great to be able to cover come it again.  

    After warm up... yup again, that was warm up... the fools said, you only have to do 100 pull ups.  I was like, ok... remind you that the Tiffany pull up is stand on 3 chunky weights stacked up so my head is at the bar, then jump to get my chin as close to over the bar as possible all the while pretending my arms are actually pulling me... I can do 100 of those in 31 minutes.  Then... the catch.  If you rest for more than 3 seconds, or your arms come off the bar - you get to do 62 lunges.  62 LUNGES (well, 31 each leg - like that makes it any better!) I didn't hear that go to 100 no arms off the bars my first round, so I jumped... I mean pulled up... like a crazy person and got to 16 and was ready to die when I heard the rule... I made it to 23 that round, but my shoulders just wouldn't let my arms be on the bar anymore. So I did lunges... more lunges... and more lunges - do you know how huge the number 62 is when describing LUNGES? So back to the bar, I was determined that I was going to get all 100  77 pull ups done with out having to do any more lunges.  47... 48... 49... crap.  There went the arms again.  I swear they don't listen to anything I say.  Back to the lunges, and lunges, and lunges... By now I'm staring at the bar cursing it, determined that these shoulders WOULD LISTEN TO ME this time.  68... keep going... 69... ouch NO keep going... 70... do I really need shoulders?... 71... the arms fell off.  (not literally of course LOL) back to lunges.  Time check 2 minutes... you mean you stupid arms could not just hold on for 2 more minutes???  OOH I hate the last few minutes/seconds of a workout.  I always feel like I have to push and finish in it.  So I got to... 18 lunges and was done.  Didn't finish, but 71 faux-pull ups & 142 lunges... I'm ok with that!  

I will finish a timed workout before September 1st.  (I hope) That is my only goal right now.  Finish a workout.  

Saturday, August 11, 2012

1 week

made it through my first full week!  -6.8 pounds in 1 week! woo hoo! I have bloody knees and elbows... but feel great!  Mom asked me to take a picture so I can have a "before" picture.  I am going to use some of the ones from my trip to San Antonio... they were before enough!

I feel very - happy, excited and scared every day! I've pre-cut and measured out my food for the next few days.  I have things put in blocks and have them easy to reach, measure and put together.  This is pretty cool!  The science behind these things is amazing.  I would like to read the book about the zone dieting.

Today I didn't workout - and i'm more tired and cranky...coincidence - i think not!

I need to re-evaluate my food intake because my weight keeps going up (ok, just this morning and i feel like tomorrow might too) Im eating correctly, maybe not drinking enough water.  Or maybe I'll stop stepping on the scale each day and just go with Fridays :) -- yup, that's what I think I'll do.  (at least i'll only be frustrated once a week!)

Everyone around me has been so supportive! SO supportive!  I'M STOKED! :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 2..ish

After the testing day of crossfit - i thought I should count that as Day 1.  After the next day - real workout - I decided that that 7! test was NOTHING like the real stuff.  

Day 1 was awefulsome! Warm up was stretches + squat cleans + worms... yes, those are EVIL.  Its where you put your hands down on the ground and feet and walk your hands out in front of you go to your elbows, put hips down, push hips up, go back to your hands, and walk your feet back in... yes I, I did 3 sets of 10!  I thought I was done after that! :) WRONG  Then I had to do 12 squat cleans with weight, and 12 pull ups (heavily modified) then 9 of each then 7 of each.  The rest of the class did 21, 15, 9... yeah... no way! When I got home I had 2 scraped elbows - like a 5 year old!  

This morning I went to the pool with D... felt good to be in the water, but I didn't do a lot of swimming.  

Day 2... warm up was lunges THEN these backwards wall walking hand stand things 3 (modified) + 7 push ups, 9 knee to elbows (or upper legs in my case) + 12 sit-ups... 5 rounds of those... then lunges again!  (yes, I said Warm Ups!)  Then 20 combinations of 1-power clean ~ 1 split clean ~ 1 squat clean.      That was... yup, I'm done :) I Did them all!

I was at 8.8 this morning (of my respective hundreds and tens digits of course) down from 3.4 of the upper :) 

Here's to another great day!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


With crossfit comes paleo dieting and zone stuff... It makes complete sense to me, but is not easy to do. Today I tried something new - and its not bad, and I'm too full to finish it! 2 blocks :)

I am supposed to eat every 3 hours, but its been more like every 2 - 2.5.  But I think that is ok to do.  I'll ask tomorrow... TOMORROW I start up at the workout part. 3 pounds in 2 days of just the diet - my body's not going to know what hit it tomorrow evening!

I'm going to be blocking together 2 block meals into containers so I can grab and go for 4 of my daily meals - i want 3 hot and 3 cold each day.  I have some grocery shopping to do tomorrow.  I'm off to my mom's today, bringing 2 meals with me! Should be good to go!

That's all for today - wanted to document that i'm down 3.4 quick pounds (I know its eating) and am at 0.0 in my current 10s place... I am determined to rock today so tomorrow I can finally meet the goal I set for June 1st!

Friday, August 3, 2012

a new journey

A month ago - I didn't quit.  I kept going to the pool in the mornings, I kept eating - not horrible.  No weight off - still only down 12 pounds (up 3 from the lowest fluke).

As I spent a few days worrying about work and feeling my butt grow larger... I reminded myself that I need to focus on ME.  I had several early mornings watching "P90X, Insanity.." all of those lose weight intense workout shows reminding me that I am not good enough to do it on my own.  A friend of mine wanted to do crossfit with me a while ago - but the cost was OUTRAGEOUS, times weren't perfect  - and you had limited days and times you could go to the class.  I didn't think that I would be able to afford it, and I wasn't quite ready for that big of a commitment.  I decided on Monday to look at different crossfit places - near my house (I passed one with a neat obstacle course outside that interested me).  The website had NO prices.. great... so I filled out a question form thing and said, "I'm fat. I'm out of shape.  When I say fat - I don't mean flabby... I mean BMI upper obese.  I used to be an athlete, and I think I need a coach.  Do you have a program for me?" Then they had a place for how you wanted to be contacted -and texting was one - I HATE awkward phone calls - and my phone's not getting email at the moment, so it was perfect.  SEND

Within the hour I got a call that very much upset me - and made me realize - even more - that it is time for me.  Then... as I hung up - I got a text from Harvey at BodyLab... Scheduled a meet and greet - and went.  And loved it.  Cost was - affordable (thanks mom) - then went to Sea World - and SA for 3 days.  I decided then that I was for sure doing it - and on the way home texted Harvey and scheduled the nutrition class.

9am today I went to nutrition class - 3:00 on Sunday I have grocery shopping class - and 6am on Monday I have my first fitness test.  Then its full blown - 5 days a week crossfit. I signed up for a year. They call if you don't go - you have to turn in a food log - and they coach  you on nutrition daily.  

I also realized for sure that I need a 3rd party coach.  I'm getting that :)

I"m going to take measurements tomorrow, weigh start, and a picture.  I KNOW this is going to be amazing.  New Journey Begins :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

it's quitting time...

This morning I woke up - up 2ish pounds from last week, I was craving some donuts, and just plain did NOT feel like pushing myself at the pool.  I got half of my big swim done when it was time for aerobics, so I paused.  After aerobics, I went to start my swim... and stopped - thought very seriously about getting out of the pool and 'finishing it tomorrow'.  I wanted so hard to quit.  I didn't. I finished my swim (with a bathroom break - and the life guards kicking me out with 1 lap left... can you believe that, wouldn't let me finish 1 lap!)

Then I went to HEB to get my snacks for the day.  I wanted so bad to get the bag of M&M's, donuts, chips and other yummo snacks.  I wanted to quit dieting - its not moving quickly anyway.  I didn't.  I grabbed 2 plums, 2 bananas and some carrot strings for snacks. (half is saved for tomorrow) I got a thing of watermelon for breakfast - and didn't even touch my cereal.

Lunch: Chic-fil-a... I wanted a chicken sandwich & fries.  I wanted the banana pudding shake.  I wanted the oreo shake.  I wanted to quit worrying about food.  I didn't.  I got a grilled chicken salad (I thought that wasn't going to be enough for my hungry self, so I got nuggets too) For 440 calories, I was STUFFED ~ and felt good about myself.  For 440 calories, I could have had most of my sandwich, OR half of the fries, OR a small shake.  I'm glad I didn't quit.

I'm not losing weight like I want to lose weight.  I'm about to come upon another goal not met.  I'm very frustrated with the numbers not looking any better.  I went shopping this weekend and didn't go down a size... (though i should start sitting for a few minutes when I try on pants/shorts because I probably could have gone down a bit). I still have HUGE boobs... but in my new bras - perky.

It has been 2 months since my routine started... I ALWAYS lose 40 pounds in 2 months.  I ALWAYS can run a mile after 2 months.  I ALWAYS am 2-3 sizes smaller after 2 months.  I ALWAYS QUIT AFTER 2 MONTHS. Nothing this time around has worked out how it "usually" does.  Maybe that means this wont be the "usual" down 40 - up 60.  Maybe this time will be down for good and bye bye up.  Maybe this time... I will not quit.

I will take my walk tonight, and get up in the morning.  I will drink 2-4 glasses of water with my dinner.  I Will Not Quit.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

... a follow through

As important as a plan is, the follow through is double the importance... this week is a great example!

Lets look at how I did this week:

Monday - well I didn't have to do anything

Tuesday - I swam, W-A and walked... Did not clean a thing! :)

Wednesday - did not go to the pool.  I did go for a walk with Dawn for quite a while.  I didn't clean a thing.

Thursday - I did day 2... I did aerobics... I didn't clean a thing! I went out and celebrated with Josie for her birthday, so I ate a bit of sweets - but not overly like I normally would.  I drank about 2/3 of a bottle of wine.  But did NOT go up in weight :)

Friday - day 3 kicked my butt!!! But it was great!  I did WA AND went for a walk with Mary!  Friday I cleaned: floor, fans, walls, fridge, stove, microwave (outside) washer/dryer, dishwasher, baseboards... in short - The Kitchen! I didn't do the drive way, but I also gave the dogs a bath!  It was a very productive Friday.

Saturday: I took Dixie to the groomers and went shopping with my mom & dad!  I had every intention of mowing the lawn when I got home, but took a nap and woke up to friends over.  We went to eat dinner - I did NOT eat well - Mexican food...mmmm... On the way home, Jordan picked up the ingredients for peach cobbler.  I knew I couldn't eat that after my not good day - so I decided that it was  a GREAT time to mow the lawn!  Our yard is very big, i did not finish, but I filled up and ran out of gas twice, and it was very dark when I decided to call it a night.  I'm excited that I didn't sit down after that big meal and chose to do the grass! yeah! I'm still very full.. too full... but I did just drink 2 HUGE cups of water!

This week I did not have any days lower than Sunday.  I call this my first plateau.  I'm OK with it.  Gonna keep pushing forward!   I wasn't happy with the execution of my plan for the week.  I sure did finish the week with everything done though - so that is a good thing :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

All about a plan...

Ha ha...

So I am a notorious planner!  I love to plan... not always fond of executing it though.  BUT...

Today I set up a plan for my summer (well the first 4 weeks of it) I found 2 separate exercise things that had a 4 week beginner plan, so I figured why not! I also have NOT been doing a good job at my housework.  I have a plan for that I just haven't done a good job of executing it... so as I stared at my dirty kitchen floor and HORRID ceiling fans... I decided I needed to go back to calendaring my cleaning too.

So this week:

Monday - already passed, but I swam 7 total laps, did a mini-water-aerobics work out & cleaned nothing -- Daddy said never to start on a Monday!

Tuesday - I did week 1 day 1 of a beginner swim workout (and IT WAS TOUGH).  I did about 40 or so minutes of water aerobics - still no instructor... and my addition to all is my walk.  I was just to do 10 minutes, so I grabbed my heavy puppies and leashed them up for our 10 minute walk.  I went just under a mile and it took me about 20 or so minutes... potty breaks for both dogs... twice.  I will clean tonight, Javier's out on CAP stuff.. so I want to tackle the big things first this week: Fridge, Floors and Rugs... Should take me quite a while (dishes will be in that too of course).

Wednesday - I am only going to swim lightly, little use of my shoulders - then do water aerobics pretty hard.  I do not have a scheduled walk, but I did feel good to be outside today, so I might go... then I'll clean the microwave, wipe down the walls and the washer/dryer - since they're in my kitchen too.

Thursday - I'm going to do day 2 of my swimmer workout - which'll be 700 meters (compared to the 600 meters that kicked my butt Tuesday - wish me luck), water aerobics and a 15 minute scheduled walk.  I'll clean the stove, dishwasher and windows.

Friday I want to do day 3 of my swimmer workout - 800 meters (ooh help me) and water aerobics, but no scheduled walk.  Then all I need to clean is the drive way (and it needs a good sweeping).

Saturday I have a 10 minute walk and Sunday a 15.  There is no cleaning on the weekends in my plan - which I LOVE.  As long as I do a daily load of laundry and never go to bed with dirty dishes, my house really does stay clean all the time if I follow the plan! (notice the dishes not done - thus not following my plan very well in a while... but i have done laundry!)

I also want to start planning meals, but I SUCK at that.  So I'm going to set a goal to plan 2 dinners a week for this month!

Can you tell I'm Bored out of my mind at home right now?  I'm just glad I'm exercising and NOT eating everything in the house :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chinese Food

OOH - how I am weak for the Spicy Chicken Lo Mein!

TOday I woke up to minus 14 lbs... that puts me at 2 pounds a week for the last 7ish weeks... I Love It

I took my 7 pound picture (not sure why I picked 7 pounds, but I guess it'll work for the marking of when I take a new picture) and no difference, but I am still very proud to be doing good and going down.

Because of my lo mein, i expect I'll be up in the morning, I couldn't even get my rings off tonight - so I am very swollen. But nonetheless - I'm very proud of myself.  That is something I don't say enough... so there - I'll say it again, I am proud of myself.   - have I lost this much before, yes, quicker and easier... but this time... this time I'm not even close to being mad at myself for not going faster.  I think that will help me keep going!

Tomorrow we start the water aerobics class!  I'm so excited!  I've been trying to lead our exercises, but I don't honestly have a clue what I'm doing.. and it shows.  Yahoo!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sea World & Summer Starting

I got to go to Sea World!!!!

Anyone that knows me, knows that is an awesome day for me!!!  It was supposed to be a big girls trip, BUT just me and Dawn went...which is fun too!

I thought for sure that I gained a million pounds because we each bought an all you can eat/drink pass - and we ate/drank a LOT.  Also, we didn't go to the pool for 3 days!  So when I weighed in this morning to find me down 0.4 for the week - I was pleased! Not a big jump, but its down!

Today I had the WORST headache I've ever had, non alcohol induced.  I figure I need to drink more water while at home.  It is so easy at work to drink water, but not when I am not talking all day!

This next week starts our water aerobics class! It'll be great!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Goal 1 - not met

Well, when I made my goals for the year, I wanted to make sure it was something I had to work for but was attainable.  I wanted to say -10 lbs for the end of the year, but thought I'd have a big water weight jump down at the beginning, so I made it 15.  I made it 11.  Who cares if I met my 15 goal, I lost 11 pounds in May! That is fantastic!

It is so nice to feel like I'm actually doing a good job for me.  We just started to work out a lot harder this week, and I found muscles I didn't know existed!  How fun!  We have 1 more week of on our own aerobics then we'll be taking an aerobics class.  HOW FUN!

I'm also currently trying to get my summer project list pinned down!  Looks like I'm going to have a lot of active stuff to keep me busy!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

a GREAT workout!

This morning I planned a workout for our group water aerobics.  We've been doing very good at going every morning, and we've been doing little exercises a lot.  But we haven't had a plan - a routine yet.

I fixed that! I was SO tired afterward, and I most definitely feel it right now, but I am so excited that we've done it!  I like more that Dawn - the "I hate to workout" girl - is the real pusher of the group!  YAY for fun!

So many people quit because they see how far they have to go - instead of looking at how far they've come.    

We have worked out at the pool for a month now - I've only missed because I was on vacation, and others missed very few days.  I'm so proud of us.  This is a big deal for my group of friends. This group of girls hasn't worked out ever - some of them - or in a long time for the others.  

Our group has grown - several people seem to be motivated by our consistency.  I LOVE it!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friends & Love

So after I hit my -10 I was stoked!  Ate healthy as i could during the day, ate only 1 fresh home made tortilla for dinner (made me a salad out of a friend's taco dinner), had 1 helping of spoons - with NO extras... then went home ready to sleep when I got a text from a very dear friend - i need to get a drink now.  OK, I'm out the door and to the store and bought a 12 pack - thinking that her and our 3rd partner would take those out! I waited in a parking lot for about an hour and a half before Friend 1 got there.  We talked and talked... then about 20 minutes later friend 2 got there and we talked and talked and talked more.  I ended up drinking 3 beers, so I am currently staring at the scale - so afraid to get on.  So mad at my self for not just getting a water.  I feel hungover - yes from 3 beers spread out over 4 hours.  My head is killing me and I just want to not move.  This happened this past weekend at Javier's folk's house.  I had 3 beers and felt horrid the next day.  NO MORE beer for this lady - that's for sure! (unless i'm on a tube in the river!) LOL

OK - I just stepped on! -0.4  I'll take it! :) Here's to a great weekend! I think my head ache is gone already! nope :)

Friday, May 25, 2012


After a weekend of +2, I hit the -10 mark this morning!

I got up early today and went to the pool about 20 minutes before everyone else and did 4 laps of swimming/kicking/running.  Then I swam almost 3 laps at the end!!!

I also ate a salad at lunch - and NO fried green beans!!!

Got a fresh wind with that number this morning... needed a good drop & a hard workout!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Weekend with the Lopez's

Lets just say - if I wasn't on a diet....

The pictures from this weekend would make me want to be... 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

keeping quiet = stuffing mouth?

Why is it when I know I should not talk, I eat like it is a the solution to whatever problem is being discussed.  I often get in trouble for my opinions, and yesterday I was faced with a non-threatening situation in which it was best for me to stay quiet - and I ate everything on my plate+ someone else's plate.

I've blogged about that before - and now I'm even more aware of it... aware means I can fix it right?

Tuesday it rained, so no pool.  Today, I swam my extra half lap at the beginning of the workout and was happy.  Then at the end, I convinced Dawn to do a half-lap with me at the end!  Tomorrow I'll do the same routine and up it on Monday, which will give me enough time to reach my goal of 3 laps in a row.

Monday, May 14, 2012


I ate a breakfast taco today... but it just had egg & cheese ~ but it did NOT taste good, so I will most definitely not be getting another one.  I need to do a better job at eating breakfast before I go to the pool.

I had tuna and cereal at work, and am now ready for my dinner!

Workout wasn't great this morning.  I MUST start doing laps as well as the aerobics.  It's been 3 weeks now of light working out.  I'll make a new goal for working out too.

By #1 - Swim 3 full laps without big time stopping. - to reach this I need to do 1/2 lap increases every other day.  Tomorrow, I'll swim a half lap.  Thursday a full lap.  Monday a lap and a half.  Wednesday 2 laps.  Friday 2.5 laps. Tuesday 3 laps ~ then do 3 laps until Friday(Last Day of School).

I'd also like to do an evening exercise.  I really need to take the dogs on a walk each evening.  So for my goal, I want to take the dogs on a walk 2 times a week until the end of school.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Its a weekend!

So I started the focused effort of my health on the 24th of April.  STAAR day.  Then I went to visit my best friend for a week - and thought it would be a bad week, but it wasn't!  Then I had a descent week this past week.. then it was weekend.  Yesterday I ate a huge breakfast, but then painted all day long - up and down the ladder most of the day - and had a good number this morning.

Its good to see drops.  Its good to feel positive.

Today we get to play with a friend's kids :) LOVE IT!  I'm trying to think of something fun we can do... cheaply... We'll probably go to a park and play, and maybe bake some brownies (I know that's not good on the diet, but I'll send them home with the kids)